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Using a fundamental, bottom-up analytical approach, we construct high conviction portfolios of quality companies across Europe. We aim to invest for the long-term by focussing on sustainable profitability and growth.
We focus on companies with long-term sustainable profitability and economic growth potential. We integrate material ESG factors into investment decisions, engage on material ESG issues, and convey our views through thoughtful proxy voting.1
Companies we consider to be attractive investments display the following characteristics:
We integrate risk management at a granular level into our investment process. The team’s portfolio engineering is a valued asset which, when interlinked with our investment philosophy, empowers the team to have a differentiated approach. We use this risk management approach to analyse how we utilise risk and ensure it is in the most appropriate manner, as well as creating proprietary research and data analysis.
“We look to invest in attractive businesses over long time periods. We do this through environmental, social and governance (ESG) integrated, unconstrained portfolios.” (1)
Senior Portfolio Manager and Head of RBC European Equity
1. Certain investment strategies, asset classes, exposure and security types do not integrate ESG factors, including but not limited to money market, buy-and maintain, passive, and certain third-party sub-advised strategies or certain currency or derivative instruments. Different strategies that integrate ESG factors will be at varying stages of implementation. Please read a fund's prospectus or offering memorandum for further details.