Search results for 'credit'

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Stormy conditions in the Middle East
Events in the Middle East have acted as something of a brake to sentiment for risk assets, with equities and credit softer over the past week.
Securitized Credit team
Ashley Blatter
Sid Chhabra
Notes from Brussels: The Credit Suisse post-mortem
Engaging with regulators in Brussels about the FINMA decision to merge Credit Suisse with UBS and haircut AT1 bondholders.
Multi-asset credit
Enhancing investors’ asset allocation returns.
Securitized credit
Our product offering is designed to meet the needs of investors in both the investment-grade and higher-yielding space.
Lucy Best
Tom Mowl
10 years of securitized credit outperformance
Strong fundamental performance should continue, with the higher rate environment and wider spreads creating a very compelling investment opportunity.