Policies & reports

Policy documents

Our Approach to Responsible Investment

This document sets out RBC GAM’s overall approach to responsible investment. This includes the methods we use in our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) integration, our stewardship activities, and our reporting.


Our Approach to Climate Change

We recognise the importance of the global goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner, in order to mitigate climate-related risks. We consider material climate change issues in our ESG integration and active stewardship processes, for applicable types of investments.1


Our Net-Zero Ambition

As climate science continues to advance, and our understanding of the impacts of a net-zero transition evolve, we are committed to continually reviewing and refreshing our approach and processes, to ensure they remain fit for purpose.


Proxy Voting Guidelines

Proxy voting is a key part of our active stewardship process as it provides an important way for us to convey our views to boards and management. We make our voting decisions independently, in accordance with our custom Proxy Voting Guidelines.

Sustainable finance disclosure regulation

Find documents related to the E.U. Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). 

Sustainability related disclosures


RBC GAM has committed to publishing an annual climate report, guided by the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In our third annual RBC GAM Climate Report, we discuss how we address climate-related risks and opportunities across four areas: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics & targets.

(TCFD report)

gam climate report 2022.jpg

Proxy voting resources

Shareholders of a company have the right to vote on certain aspects of the company's business, such as the election of the company's directors and the appointment of auditors. A proxy is the document that companies send to shareholders to get their voting instructions.

Equity portfolios hold shares of companies and are entitled to exercise the voting rights attached to those shares. Fixed income portfolios may also have an opportunity to vote by proxy on bondholder resolutions, or where an allocation may include formal voting rights.

Search our proxy voting records

Get in touch

Find contact names, phone numbers and email addresses for RBC BlueBay's regional sales teams and client directors.

1. Certain investment strategies, asset classes, exposure and security types do not integrate ESG factors, including but not limited to money market, buy-and maintain, passive, and certain third-party sub-advised strategies or certain currency or derivative instruments. Different strategies that integrate ESG factors will be at varying stages of implementation. Please read a fund's prospectus or offering memorandum for further details.

2. In 2023, RBC GAM consolidated the activities of two regulated legal entities in the United Kingdom (UK), RBC GAM-UK and BlueBay Asset Management LLP (BlueBay), into RBC GAM-UK. Signatory status falls under the RBC Global Asset Management’s (RBC GAM) group membership as of April 2023 onwards and is not related to funds. Up until this period, both RBC GAM and its affiliate, BlueBay Asset Management LLP (BlueBay) were signatories (signatory year being 2015 for RBC GAM, and 2013 for BlueBay). Both entities separately filed annual transparency reports (where RBC GAM’s one included affiliates RBC Global Asset Management (UK) and BlueBay). With the merger of RBC Global Asset Management (UK) and BlueBay in April 2023, BlueBay’s separate PRI signatory status has lapsed (including its annual reporting obligations).

3. In 2023, RBC GAM consolidated the activities of two regulated legal entities in the United Kingdom (UK), RBC GAM-UK and BlueBay Asset Management LLP (BlueBay), into RBC GAM-UK. BlueBay has not filed a separate 2023 Annual Stewardship Report. BlueBay’s stewardship activities are incorporated throughout RBC GAM’s 2023 Annual Stewardship Report.