Search results for 'debt'

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Leveraged finance
We offer a variety of investment strategies providing exposure to the global leveraged finance markets.
Playing the patient game
Market focus has moved from the US debt ceiling since the threat of default was taken off the table, jumping to an artificial intelligence frenzy.
Germany prevails in “David vs Goliath” confrontation
A look at Germany’s industrial and economic crisis and how it has battled against the odds to maintain a strong market position.
Examining emerging markets: Influencing improvements in ESG
Polina Kurdyavko examines why engagement with emerging market issuers is important to implement positive ESG risk-return change.
EM local currency debt: the case for broadening the investment universe
When investing in EM local currency opportunities, the limitations of traditional ‘beta’ measures can hinder the ability to generate positive returns.
The AT1 recovery and why fundamentals win over time
Investment grade specialist James Macdonald discusses how the AT1 market has progressed since the turmoil in March and why fundamentals win over time.
Q&A: Bonds are for the bold?
Bond yields have continued to rise in recent months, but the time to buy has arrived, argues Kaspar Hense.
The boy who cried wolf
A political fable is playing out on Capitol Hill.
Gilt yields speed past ‘Nutbush City Limits’
We’re humming iconic rock anthems while we play the waiting game….
Investment grade
We are fundamental investors: this is the key component of our success.